The Lightweight Alternative to Precast Concrete Pools
If you are thinking about a precast concrete pool, you really need to read this! Introducing The Little Pool Co.: Ready-made freestanding fiberglass pools
Traditional Concrete Pools
Precast Concrete Pools
Unlike traditional concrete pools, precast concrete pools are factory-made (manufactured) using a process that involves casting the pool components in a controlled environment away from the actual site. The mold is prepared for casting, and the mixed concrete is poured into the mold. Once the concrete has cured adequately, the precast pool structure is carefully demolded. The surface may be finished to achieve the desired texture. Plumbing, electrical work, and any additional features like steps, benches, or ledges are integrated and the pool’s interior finish, such as plaster or tile, is applied. The precasting method offers advantages such as controlled manufacturing conditions, reduced on-site construction time, and consistent quality. Precast concrete pools are very heavy, hence the rising popularity of their smallest version – the precast concrete plunge pool.
Little Pools: Ready-Made Freestanding Fiberglass Pools
Little Pools vs. Precast Concrete Plunge Pools
Modular plunge pools made from pre-cast concrete or converted shipping containers have become very popular in recent years. We have created a far better alternative. Your luxury backyard deserves a pool from The Little Pool Co. When you think about alternatives to precast concrete plunge pools, think about these factors.

A concrete pool measuring 20 feet can have a weight of up to 25,000 lbs. In contrast, a fully equipped 20 ft Little Pool weighs less than 3,000 lbs! This significant difference in weight translates to substantial savings in shipping and installation costs. Opting for one of our fiberglass pools instead of a precast concrete pool can result in savings amounting to thousands of dollars during the installation process. Our patented structural support system, crafted with GRP technology, ensures that our pools are ultra-light and easily maneuverable, even in challenging or restricted locations.



Most pre-cast concrete pools carry at most a 10 year warranty (unlike shipping container pools with typically a much shorter warranty). A Little Pool has a 10 year warranty on the patented GRP frame, and a 25 year pool shell warranty!

Why Choose Our Self Supported Fiberglass Pools over Precast Concrete Plunge Pools

The Look and Feel
You can customize your Little Pool in many aspects. There are various cladding materials available and the fiberglass interior is simply delightful. The pool shell is very strong, it’s resistant to algae building on the walls, you will not need to replace or reline your pool surface. And our pool colors are just stunning.

Little Pool at Your Site
There is minimal site preparation involved in installing your Little Pool. They are also very stable and you won’t be surprised by a sudden movement of your pool. The pool won’t lift as the result of a hydrostatic event nor it will sink as some precast concrete pools might in some circumstances due to them being much heavier.

The Cost Factor
Last but not least – the price. Although the price points for our pools and some precast concrete alternatives might seem quite similar, there can be a big difference when it comes to putting the pool into your backyard. Because Little Pools are much lighter, you can save thousands on craning the pool into the position. Another big advantage of Little Pools is that if you are planning to put a deck around your Little Pool, your tradesmen can attach the deck construction directly to the pool, leading to a better result and lower cost.
The Popularity of Freestanding Fiberglass Pools in the U.S.
Flexible Installation Options
Quality self-supported fiberglass pools can be installed inground, partially inground or above the ground, which not only makes their installation easier but also less costly.
Market Share of Fiberglass Pools
The market share of fiberglass pools has been steadily growing in the U.S. Yet, fiberglass pool have only 18% share on the U.S. market, whereas it's 60% in Australia (Aqua Magazine).
Freestanding Pool Options
Fiberglass self supported pools are a popular alternative to other pool options such as vinyl liner, shipping container, precast concrete or steel freestanding pools.
Flexible Installation Options
Quality self-supported fiberglass pools can be installed inground, partially inground or above the ground, which not only makes their installation easier but also less costly.
Market Share of Fiberglass Pools
The market share of fiberglass pools has been steadily growing in the U.S. Yet, fiberglass pool have only 18% share on the U.S. market, whereas it's 60% in Australia (Aqua Magazine).
Freestanding Pool Options
Fiberglass self supported pools are a popular alternative to other pool options such as vinyl liner, shipping container, precast concrete or steel freestanding pools.
Interested in a Little Pool?
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Starting at $43K installed and ready to swim
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